Pure excitement and adrenaline at ZONAVENTURA.
Descending into inhospitable places, which would be impossible to reach without resorting to different techniques involving the use of ropes, is an exciting and entertaining challenge that can also be met in the Algarve at ZONAVENTURA, regardless of the level of preparation achieved by those willing to venture into the exciting world of abseiling and aerial slides. As a technique developed for making this form of vertical descent with the aid of ropes, abseiling was initially created as a complementary technique for mountain climbers, and was also widely used in potholing and the exploration of caves. By being practised so frequently in isolation – either down walls specially built for this purpose or in natural settings – it ended up gaining a certain amount of autonomy of its own and nowadays belongs to the group of so-called extreme sports. Belonging to the same group of extreme sports is the aerial slide, which was originally a military technique that consisted of uniting a point at a higher level with another point at a lower level by means of a steel cable, down which one then slid with the help of a pulley. Much more than simply calling for great physical fitness, this exercises also helps to develop psychological strength and the capacity for decision-making. Both activities are easy to engage at ZONAVENTURA